Dünyaca Ünlü Van Gogh Eserleri
Resim: A Pair of Shoes
Van Gogh hem hayat hikayesiyle hem de eserleriyle unutulmaz bir ressamdır. Dünyanın en başarılı ressamlarından biri olan Van Gogh'un hayat hikayesini okumadıysanız sitemizdeki biyografiler bölümünden Van Gogh biyografisine mutlaka göz atınız. Etkisi altına kalacağınıza eminiz.
1- Starry Night Over the Rhone (Eylül 1888)
2- Noon - Rest from Work - After Millet (Ocak 1890)
3- The Yellow House (1888)
4- Self-Portrait with Dark Felt Hat (1886)
5- Landscape with Snow (Şubat 1888)
6- Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (1889)
7- Sunset at Montmajour (1888)
8- Arles View from the Wheat Fields (Haziran 1888)
9- The portrait of Eugène Boch (1888)
10- At Eternity's Gate (Mayıs 1890)
11- Les Alyscamps (28 Ekim 1888–31 Ekim 1888)
12- The Potato Eaters (13 Nisan 1885–Mayıs 1885)
13- Cafe Terrace At Night (16 Eylül 1888)
14- Self-Portrait with Straw Hat (1887)
15- The Red Vineyard (Kasım 1888)
16- Couple Walking in the Trees (1889)
17- Sorrow (1882)
18- Daubigny's Garden (Mayıs 1890–Temmuz 1890)
19- Olive Trees with Yellow Sky and Sun (Kasım 1889)
20- Irises (1889)
21- Doctor Gachet's Garden in Auvers (Mayıs 1890)
22- Peasant Woman Against a Background of Wheat (1890)
23- Still Life Vase with Oleanders (1888)
24- The Night Cafe ( 5 Eylül 1888–8 Eylül 1888)
25- Farmhouse Among Trees (1883)
26- Pietà - after Delacroix (1889)
27- The Church at Auvers (Haziran 1890)
28- Starry Night (Haziran 1889)
29- Farms near Auvers (Temmuz 1890)
30- Portrait of Père Tanguy (1887)
31- The Harvest (1888)
32- Vase with Red Poppies (1886)
33- Houses at Auvers (Haziran 1890–Temmuz 1890)
34- Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin (Nisan 1888)
35- The Olive Trees (1889)
36- Vase with Twelve Sunflowers (1888)
37- La Mousmé (1888)
38- The Poet's Garden (1888)
39- View of Arles, Flowering Orchards (Nisan 1889)
40- Wheat Field with Cypresses (1889)
41- Wheatfield with Crows ( Temmuz 1890)
42- Self-Portrait (Dedicated to Paul Gauguin) (Eylül 1888)
43- Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890)
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