• Hepinizden çok özür dileyerek bir şey istiyorum. Lütfen yarınki bu ödevi öğretmen bana özel olarak verdi ve yapmazsam düşük not vereceğini söyledi. Lütfen yardım edin Google dan felan denedim ama olmuyor saçma sapan çeviriyor. Kısacık zaten 5 dakkanızı almaz. Söz birdaha böyle bir başlık açmayacağım.
    1. a cardiac valve from a cow to a human
    İn tekirdağ’s çorlu district, a cardiac valve taken from a cow was attached to kadriye Bektaş, who is 77 years old. It was stated that the patient’s condition was good. Hearth and vessel specialist surg. Of cenap Özkara, who performed the operation in çorlu özel şifa hospital, said that the interesting side of this operation was a caroliac valve which was taken from a cow killed in a slaughterhouse was attached to a human and that the she was very surprised when she was said that a cardiac valve taken from a cow would attach her. Bektaş said carriying a cow’s cardiac valve is a strange feeling but i feel very well now.
    2. they collect three lorries load of garbage out of the sea
    İn bodrum, 23 divers who participated the organization which was called ‘’yaza merhaba deniz dibi temizliği’’ collected three larries load of garbage out of the sea in 4 hours. While the garbage was being exhibited on the beach, divers who are from bodrum said we saw everyting except fish in submarine. While the garbage which was taken out was being exibited divers who are from bosrum said we saw the flocks of fishs during years but there isin’t any fish because of the sea pollution.

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  • Kaç aldin bari :)
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  • 1. de sıkıntı yok da ikinciyi saolsun abilerim eksik çevirmişler puan kırdı. olsun ama buna da şükür sözlüme 80 verdi yetiyor o da zaten.
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  • eksik derken yanlış anlaşılmasın böyle tam bire bir çeviri olmayınca bi yerden yardım aldığımı anladı da bozuntuya vermedi artık ama yine de puanımı kırdı.
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  • hadi çok şükür atlatmışsın :)
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